Top 10 Python resources

In this new post, you will find the best  Python  resources we came across online during this month of November. The resources are not ne...

In this new post, you will find the best Python resources we came across online during this month of November. The resources are not necessarily the most up-to-date, but they are all useful if you’re a Pythonista! 🐍
All credit goes to the authors!
Keywords: Built-in features; Python 3; Spreadsheets; Data Science; Scraping; Continuous intergradation; Django.

1. How to code in Python 3

Fantastic Python tutorials! This PDF is not only for beginners; intermediate coders will also find it quite refreshing (e.g. Understanding Boolean Logic, Python 2 vs Python 3).

2. Collection of less popular features and tricks for Python

Author: Max Brennerm
Max Brennerm is not only a developer, but also a lawnmower lover! All joking aside, in this GitHub repository you’ll find a plethora of “unpopular” Python built-in features. Note. this repo is a great addition to traditional “tips & tricks” articles.

3. Free Python Programming Books

Source: Goalkicker
Déjà vu! Indeed, a lot of the 816 notes can also be found in the official Python documentation. That being said, the whole book is definitely a goldmine. Note. do check the credits at the end of the book, it’s always helpful to examine the original source.

4. Watch me build a real startup with Python & JavaScript

Author: YK Sugi
Great initiative, and it will be open-source! Here are the shortcuts to the coding parts: Django & Create your1st project. Note. YK Sugi, please solve the rubik’s cube on your office! :D

5. Python for Data Science: 8 Concepts You May Have Forgotten

Author: Conor Dewey
Thanks for this crystal clear post. For beginners and intermediate coders: these are Python tricks that we shall all keep in mind.

6. Using Python to Power Spreadsheets

Author: Jason Graham
Source: DataCamp
If you agree that Python is one of the best options to analyse data, then this neat article is for you. Note. SPSS and R users should also consider this practical alternative!

7. A short & practical how-to guide to scrape data from a website

Author: Félix Revert
As you probably know, web scraping is the use of a program or algorithm to extract and process data from the web. In Félix Revert’s article, you’ll find a useful step-by-step for beginners! Note. Here’s the code the author used.

8. Exploring United States Policing Data Using

Author: Patrick Triest
This blog post was published in 2017. The author’s walkthrough is particularly well done and could be used as a guide for your social analysis. Note. Data analysis is one thing, interpretation of quantitative analysis in social sciences is another thing.

9. Building a Discord Bot with Python and

Author: Gareth Dwyer
The author’s tutorial will help you build a “chatbot” that will join a Discord server and directly reply to users. It’s well written and definitely easy to implement. Thanks Gareth Dwyer for sharing this!
Image from Gareth Dwyer’ article

10. Continuous Integration with Python: An Introduction

Kristijan Ivancic is definitely a skilled Pythonista! In software development practices, CI is a must. Note.”On a personal level, continuous integration is really about how you and your colleagues spend your time.” — e.g. reduced integration problems.


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